Classroom Management

Teaching Process
Classroom Management
Parent Involvement
Student Evaluation
Algebra 2 Objectives
Geometry Objectives
Grades & Assignments

Students are expected to be in their seats and working before the tardy bell rings. 

They are to stay in their seats with their mouths quiet unless given specific permission to do otherwise. 

They are expected to treat themselves, others, and the school with respect at all times, and to follow instructions without arguing. 

They are expected to bring their materials and spend their time in class working.   

Food, candy, and drinks are not allowed in the classroom. 

Students should clean up after themselves before being dismissed by the teacher. 

Violations of classroom rules are recorded in the teacher’s grade book as demerits, and under "comments" on the details for each assignment on the "assignment and results" page  at thinkwave.  Ten points are deducted from the student’s daily citizenship grade for each demerit.


Violations of classroom rules may result in a warning,    time-out/conference with student,    behavior reports to parents,    after-school detention/written assignments,   referral to the vice-principal for additional disciplinary measures.